Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Funny story in Trafagal square

This incident happen on our second day in London, well i don't know if this is funny for everyone but if you are there with us sakit perut ketawa. hahaha.
Well... after Westminster where they have the Big Ben my sister told us that we should head of to this street where you can see more beautiful buildings and monuments. Truly enough it is, and the far end the trafagal square ( pic kat bawah tu). Trafagal square is like a big plaza where people use to hang out and its a part of the tourist attraction.
If you pernah main Monopoly one of the station is Trafagal square ( inilah tempat dia pulak). One of the main attraction in Trafagal square is this monument with 2 big Lion of both sides, and you can see all this tourist riding on it taking pictures.
So me, boboy and Diding pun climb up the monument ( Andy and Carlina tak nak... kenapa ya, maybe takut orrr.... heavy opssss ampun tuanku). When we were at the monument taking pictures my sister ask us to climb up the lion to take pictures but entah macam mana it seems so hard to climb up. Dahlah licin the lion is made of bronze and its cold ( taulah orang Mesia tak tahan sejukkan). Boboy try to climb up even after accesive pushing from the butt tapi tak naik naik jugak.
All of us start laughing and then finally took our pictures at the lions butt je.. Punyalah taulah dah senja-senja macam ni tulang berat kau... then out of the blue boboy manage to crqwl in front of the Lion and called from anyone to took his pictures but his mom was nowhere to be found because all of us gave our camera to her.... The boboy said... Eiiiii mana si mummy ni...
After that he merajuk again..........sekejap. This boy always merajuk one.

This is the only pictures we took with the lion and
positioned at its butt., A damn beautiful picture but you
didn't know the story behind it, but now u know.


Hafter we arrive in Heatrow London and str8 to Lewisham , where my sister resides, the next morning day was a big day to all of us because we got to see London for the first time. The rest of the gang was so sexcited to see the Big Ben ( sob sob ~ we finally arrive after 4 months of preparation).
The funny thing happen before we reach home late last night my nephew Boboy asked me if i want to visit the grave nearby to thier house. Mula tu pelik jugak kenapalah si Boboy ni ajak p grave yard but i did promise him so early the next morning we went to the nearby graveyard. GOTHIC Betul my nephew ni, with him and the sister black is the in thing and if you want to buy something for him make sure its black plus a skeleton.
Fuhhhhhhhh.. i bet some of the peps in Lewisham never been there as well, including Me sista and both her Brunein housemate .. kan Pai. Tapi the scenary was calming...beautiful and breathaking again. Tapi memang cantik with all the old trees and the beautiful grave. The trees and the grass are green and the chill makes you wonder.. mesti orang yang meninggal pun seronokkan.
This is around 9 am in the morning ( London time not Mesia)

What a beautiful sculpure.. not me lah the patung.

My Gothic nephew boboy.

Macam Winter sonata pulak kan.

My niece diding says , if i wear this baju, looks like Anuar Zain.,.. so sukalah pakai.

May all of you rest in peace.