Thursday, December 10, 2009


That tonight’s gonna be a good night
That tonight’s gonna be a good good night (x3)
Tonight’s the night night
Let’s live it up
I got my money
Let’s spend it up
Go out and smash it
Like Oh My God
Jump off that sofa
Let’s get get OFF
I know that we’ll have a ball
If we get down
And go out
And just loose it all
I feel stressed out
I wanna let it go
Lets go way out spaced out
And loosing all control
Fill up my cup
Look at her dancing
Just take it off
Lets paint the town
We’ll shut it down
Let’s burn the roof
And then we’ll do it again

Lets Do it (x3)
And live it up
I gotta feeling that tonight’s gonna be a good night
That tonight’s gonna be a good night
That tonight’s gonna be a good good night (x2)
Tonight’s the night
Let’s live it up
I got my money
Lets spend it up
Black Eyed Peas I Gotta Feeling lyrics found on
Go out and smash it
Like Oh My God
Jump off that sofa
Lets get get OFF
Fill up my cup (Drink)
Mozolotov (Lahyme)
Look at her dancing (Move it Move it)
Just take it off
Lets paint the town
We’ll shut it down
Lets burn the roof
And then we’ll do it again
Lets do it (x3)
Let’s live it up
Here we come
Here we go
We gotta rock
Easy come
Easy go
Now we on top
Feel the shot
Body rock
Rock it don’t stop
Round and round
Up and down
Around the clock
Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday, Saturday,
Saturday and Sunday
Get get get get get
With us you know what we say
Party everyday p-p-p-party
Party everyday
I gotta feeling that tonight gonna be a good night
That tonight's gonna be a good night
That tonight's gonna be a good good night(x2)

Weight Concern.

Yesterday when i was about to pack my things to go back home, the faculty were shock by the news that one of our faculty staff husband passed away.

According to the resources that I've heard , he just went inside the toilet and passed out, luckly it was the school holidays and all the children are at home. He was burried after Ishak at the University Cemetery. I gather the information that the late demise took an early retirement because of health reason.

i heard about this much about today, multiple diagnosis, on high blood pressure, diabetes , heart condition and many others. A week ago i was also shock by the same news from home, one of my staff in BAL died in his sleep ( i assume it is also something to do with his health or degree of stress).

That doesn't come to a shock to me, looking at the tremendous stress we have with our lives nowadays. The bills to be paid, Home bills , work related stress and the amount of garbage we put inside our body. You tell me, but do u notice, the amount of obesity we have right now. Do not look afar just swirl your eyes away a few feet or the person next to you. Out of 5 person nearest to you , 2 of them are overweight, that is not including if you see yourself in the mirror too. That's really-really alarming.

I have battled with my weight all my life, as i was born chubby as a kid. I always felt that i am not my best weight every time i look in the mirror. A month ago my weight comes to the max and i was a bit concern , i think it was the Quaker oaths i took with the condense milk. I ate that because i thought that its good for my health as they said the oaths will suck all the fat in our body , less that i know the condense milk doesn't help either. After eathing it for a few month i notice that my weight sky rocked and i nearly reach my highest weight 79-80 kg. I had a little trouble with my breathing and i notice sometimes i gasping for air.

So last month i took control of my life, so far i have lose almost 5-6 kg in just 2 weeks and i notice that i shrink in size and i buckled my belt an inch smaller. I don't have trouble with my breathing anymore and i felt more energize. One thing i notice too.. i like to see myself in the mirror more each day. What a relief.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


A Professor began his class by holding up a glass with some water in it. He held it up for all to see and asked the students, "How much do you think this glass weighs?"

"50g!"... "100g!"... "125g!"... the students answered.

"I really don't know unless I weigh it," said the professor, "but my question is: What would happen if I held it up like this for a few minutes?"

"Nothing happens." the students said.

"OK, what would happen if I held it up like this for an hour?" the professor asked.

"Your arm would begin to ache," said one of the students.

"You're right, now what would happen if I held it up for a day?"

"Your arm could go numb, you might have severe muscle stress and paralyse and have to go to the hospital for sure!" ventured another student and all of them laughed.

"Very good, but during all this, did the weight of the glass change?" asked the professor.

"No" was the answer.

"Then what caused the arm ache and muscle stress?"

The students puzzled.

"What should I do now to come out of pain?" asked the professor again.

"Put down the glass!" said one of the students.

"Exactly!" said the professor.

Life's problems are something like this. Hold it for a few minutes in your head and they seem OK. Think of them for a long time and they begin to ache. Hold it even longer and they begin to paralyse you. You will not be able to do anything.

It's important to think of challenges and problems in your life but even more important is to put them down at the end of every day before you go to sleep. That way, you are not stressed, you wake up every day fresh and strong and can handle any issue, any challenge that comes your way.

So, when you leave office today, remember my friend, to PUT DOWN THE GLASS TODAY!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thursday, November 26, 2009

I Don't want to go to london coz its toldddd..(cold)

Another Christmas greetings.

Someone who don't like London at all .

You'll be amazed with what little children have inside their brain kan. looking back at this.. i'm glad i took some time to tape it. so enjoy guys.


This videos were with me since 2006 and it is suppose to be send to LOndon, while my sister was there but tak kesampaian. anyway hope that orang yang dah lama sampai dari london tu sukelah tengok video video ni. sebab its kinda funny to look back.

if you can see most of my families are all shy shy cat people especially my brother hehe. hope you look back and like it.

First was Ian ice ice baby dancing which everyone was so surprise when he eagerly show his talent.. pinoy gayud.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

How they grew up so fast

Berjinak jinak sikit sudah dengan lolanya hehehe and siapa yang sebelah pegang kartu tu jugak this is 2006. all grown up in 2007. hehe 2006 ian, afique with diding. see how fast they grew kan. another pic of nanay and afique. A very funny pic of afique ( 2004) this is his scary face.. ajaran kakak dia lah tu. hehe thats funny. See how small they are still. 2003 was like years ago the kids are still so small and now... ahhhh aisyah dah masuk pre U and boboy just finish his PMR. Christmas 2003 ( nanay and afique) masih kecil lagi , tapi dah ada ciri ciri nakal tu hehehe.


Tension sangat hari ni. I withdraw some money to renew my motocycle road tax today which cost me around RM 300.00 after i told the lady to reduce it from nearly 450. After i paid it off i was so happy that i made some savings.

Then when i reach home, and i try to switch on my beloved car, it just woul'nt start ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh not the battery again. I just change the battery last year and now it spoilt again. So again i went to the same shop last year to ask for a price to replace it and he quoted RM 160.00 for a non liquid battery. PUHHHHH another RM 160.00 goes down the drain.

Pepandai je mr car ask for his share of my salary after i thrown some of it to my Bike. Benci benci. I told my friends both adik beradik nak duit bulan ni so i spend almost 500 for my car and motorcycle this month. tensionnye aku.

I just take it as Karma.. and believe that something good will come after this. I'm hopeful.


Today Salya ask me about death.. Her friend grieved over the lost of her mother and ask Salya about what and how she think and felt. She asked me the same question and this are my thoughts:-



That's what i think, later i want to share about being in the moment..maybe in a way it will help others.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I have the tendency to write these last few days. I guess the urgeness i have come back to tell you my story and how i feel, my walks of life and the path im taking, or its just the seasons greeting that makes me feel gloomy.

Gloomy ke.. no its not gloomy, the weather is gloomy. I spend most of my time in the office nowdays to finish my Desk File ( File Meja ) as i targetted to finish it before this end of the month, means i have to do it during aidiladha holidaysssss, tapi kan its okay coz i got nothing going on anyway.

I will be coming back to Tawau this 20th December and coming back to Kl again on the 2nd January. Excited hellllll yea.. i got a new niece that i havent seen and i'm moving to my new house next yearrrrrrrr.. Looking forward for new things in life.


Friday, November 20, 2009


Over the past few years i've been thinking " is this what life have to offer me". What if i die tommorow would i be satisfied with myself with the accomplishment i had, or would i be proud of the things that i do throught my life.

Then it hits me,late last year. Being in the moment is important, coz having to analyse our life makes things more complicated. What i do today is what matters most of all ( i do not know if i would live that long anyway hehehe). So i started to make my life into a chapter and again deviding in into small chapters. I decided to make a long goal in my life which i jot it down in a piece of paper and then jot down my short term goals that i keep to myself. Oh and then work hard to accomplish it( For short term). For the long term keep it in mind but do not think about it everyday.. wait for it to happen but pray to god and always believe that it will only it takes a little bit of time.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Great things happen to us, when we preserver and pray hard for it to happen.

In the secret, you were ask to do a wish list and to put it aside( hidden) and last year i did my wish list and true enough some of it comes true. For ones i finally bought a house which i wanted ( i wanted a small house which is near to my work place) i know why small , well i wanted a small one coz im a lazy bum and i hate house chores hehehe.

Second i wish silently that i will get a raised in grad( work) and i did well i had a great small surprise too i was anointed Best Employee of the year for my Faculty. Some great surprise ha.. As i said great things happen when we hope, pray and believe ( plus work hard for it too..., then when you did all that comes luck.

So, i'm opening up my wish list again this year to hope for greater things for the years ahead.


here is some of my pictures during my trip to Bangkok. Actually none of this pic comes from my camera because i accidently put my camera card ( i Gig) into my laptop, so terpaksalah aku menumpang camera si Zairul. Zul thanks for the pictures. I wish i have more pics but ala ala tak boleh sebab orang punye camera and diorang pun bz jugak amik gambar yang pelik pelik so this is all i can take......... ahhhhhhh tension.

i story morry you about the trip later okay.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Its Audit again.

Im writting at my ISO office, waiting without doing anything for the auditors. But so far everything seems okay accept for some minor things.

The girls are all so tied up and uptight coz the lady keep on asking new thing....... ahhhhhhhhhhh another one more hour to go. lepas ni boleh kitaorang merdeka again. So far i've been here for a year plus and i undergo 3 Sirim Audit and around 6 internal audit.

It seems that next year, the audit will merge and we wouldn't be as busy like now.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Im so confused , warna apa nak paint my house, At first i was thinking of painting it silver , white and grey and then when i saw this pastel colours ahhhhhhhhhh terbuka pulak my heart nak paint pastels colours.

Lucky my house will be ready by next year so taklah i rush sangat and i can save a little bit of money to buy some more things for my house.

Btw i'm going to Bangkok this month end, i was thinking of getting myself a patung budha. I don't know what attracted me to it but it simbolizes serenity. I sure my mum will freak out when she saw that but tak pe.. its not a religious thing its just a symbol and something to decorate the house kan.

So here is some more examples i search from the internet, hoping that it would be useful. Mat rumah kau tak pe sebab rumah kau luas,.. ini untuk rumah sempit sempit cam rumah aku je.. tapi rumah ko pun tak sesuai sebab this is only for new houses (cilaka kau mat)

Monday, September 28, 2009


Remember when i said i got this Sewing Machine from my sister ( Oh yea i didn't mention it before he he )

Anyway yesterday i was so damn bored so i decided to open the box and try do something with the sewing machine. Actually its a long story how my sister got this sewing machine but and i knew it a long time ago... Inday if your reading this mesti kau tersenyum.

So here i am, trying to reorganize the threads and the needle and WALAAAAA its done and slowly i try to apply what i've leart so far from my short tutoring at my faculty a year back ( oh yes i did went for a short tutoring at my faculty but it was so breif i didn't even manage to sew anything but basically i got the basic how to do it)

And..... confidently i put down the pedal and push the needle down and it goes somewhat smoothly and after a few stitching it stops.. as if something stuck. I slowly lift up the needle and guess what the stitching is not happening and the threads are all entangled. Ohhhhhh god.

Then come the second try and still the same thing happen , and then the third , the forth and i found myself wasting 2 hours of my time doing the same thing over and over again. Gosh Tailoring is hardddddddddd.. After doing it for 2 hours Lenu came and we went to but some flower pots from the nursery ( i need to plant my herbs ie. my Thai basil and my Mint, followed by dinner.

When lenu left home i sat back to my chair facing my sewing machine and a light bulb goes up my head.. maybe its has something to do with the flow of the threads so i pull back all my thread and reorganize it back ( the instruction book was so brief it doesn't show anything ). There was a picture at the side of the machine on the flow of the thread , so slowly i follow the instruction and WALAAAAAAA again.

Slowly i push my piece of cloth to the machine and the needle goes up and down and surprisingly the stitches work. OH god i was so happy. SMS lenu and my sister all about it and took the cloth i bought like a year ago and start cutting the fabric and soon i was stitching my pillow cover.

So last night i end up with 2 more new pillow cover for a start. I was so happy with what i learn today and hey i think this is a new beginning for a new career hehehe. Next i was thinking of buying some high end fabric and doing my own cushion cover.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I went around with Zairul the other day for house hunting and here is some inspiring home deco ( kalau kawan kawan nak tiru kan). Hope you can get some info to do you house samalah aku. Mat rumah kau buat macam ni okay.