Actually this event happens on Friday and i uploaded these pictures prior today ,but was too lazy to make an entry so i just put it under draft. Oh btw last friday was a hectic day. Lots of thing undone and all of us are preparing for the new students to arrive.
I went back a little bit late because i got a few things left undone in the office and... i was doing my last entry. Next Monday is another battle and we have the faculty meeting and everybody is cumpulsory to attent. Bencinye kan. Anyway after i came home, i was thinking of going for a jog because ive been jogging these last few days to reduce my weight yang semakin berat ni. hehehe. So i went out and shouted at illa (btw illa is staying above me) so i invited her to come out jogging with me. BOLEH dia cakap, " eh Allan kau ni mimpi ke apa" and i told him in order to reduce our weight ... kena exercise. And illa told me , dia dah beli jamu diet sendayu tinggi, so tak payah exercise. We were chit chatting for a while , then she suggested for us to go minum petang pulak. ADUS FOMFUAN GEMUK INI orang ajak exercise dia ajak makan pulak. MACAM MANA NAK KURUS KAN, then kalau gemuk tu salahkan orang, konunnya semua orang menyakitkan hati dia, so bila dia stree, dia pun makanlah. THE DRAMA QUEEN IS HERE AGAIN.........So aku pun setuju for tea and we called Zafri to join us. When i called jep,.. the opted that we come to his house becuase he got keropok lekor at home from terengganu. Bagaikan bulan jatuh ke riba, we end up going to his place.
Yang penting semua habis tak ada yang tinggal, sebab kalau ada yang tinggal suruh illa je habiskan, mesti licin punyalah. Ala ala DBKL KAN semua bedal licin je. hehee. Kalau suruh exercise banyak jak alasan kalau disuruh makan ... pantanggggggggg ni. adus kawan ku. aku pun turut gemuk berkawan dengan kau ni.