Thursday, March 4, 2010


I know it has been ages since my last update. Its not my life is too busy but there is no interesting things happening in my life lately. Although i had a promotion ( as what i have asked ) but still there is not worth mentioning.

Anyway i was surprise that , there was a few comments on my tag board especially on BOMBALAI. There was a few comments by Mr Joseph Chan ( Research Manager) and Mr Tony Ker's( Mill manager) son Richard and recently there was a site on Facebook dedicated on BOMBALAI exciting ha. I guess people from BAL estate still misses BAL so much and every time the name BAL comes out it always trigger their heart.

Anyway i will try to update this blog of mine as frequent as possible and hey i was thinking of writing a short book ( my memoirs) hehe as if my English is great hehe.

Im so busy now preparing thesis hoping that i can finish chapter 1, 2 and 3 within this 2 weeks. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Oh ya i just got some bad new but shhhhhhhh its a secret.