Adus, i just a new back home ( not so good news) but luckyly nobody's hurt.
Tomorrow will be Hari raya and i'm going to Miri. So far tak ada lagi jemputan untuk ke rumah my staf, maybe its because they thought that im going off the very same day. AKU NAK MAKAN.... LAH jemputlah aku hehehe. Tapi kalau tak pun its okay, i think i'm going to miri slightly early , take my sweet time to drive.
So far, all my current bills, including Half of Hendrico's money because i asked him to exchange my money to pound and euro, tapi ada lagi balance yang belum solve... kan ND.
Last night i went to farlee to buy additional brief and stocking. Takut pulak habis underwear , terpaksa pulak pinjam my sister punya hehehe. Ops muat ke. The stocking i bought yesterday is the short type, tapi bolehlah. I ingat masa beli yang panjang nye.
All and all i am ready to go.
astro - paid
loan asb - paid
my mum's allowance - paid
Nd's money - paid
and the rest of my bills are auto debit .. so senanglah sikit. taulah gaji awal bulan tok kan.
Oh Hendrico sms me yesterday, said that his bro cam is not functioning (nangis aku) . adus terpaksalah pakai my camera je ni. macam mana Ian wright nak beraksi ni. Megan Toda how like this.