Friday, September 26, 2008

PTK~ So so lah.

I finally finish my PTK today and i should say........ boleh lah. Tahap 4 i dont know coz we look and see lah kan.

Oh yea i would like to wish all my readers , whether ur in New Zealand ( Syarifah) in the States ( Jep ur the dude) or in UK ( sharul) or in Malaysia a Happy Hari Raya " maaf zahir dan batin". I guess this year u'll be missing all the rendang, the ketupat the kek sarawak ( i miss them too). But i guess what misses me the most is being able to spend my days breakfast and lunch with u.

To all my readers in BINTULU, guys i still miss u after being here for almost 5 months now i still miss u. Still miss our time spend together chit chatting during breakfast, lunch and meetings, its so different here in Serdang. Maaf Zahir dan batin. This year sik dapat kamek merasa kek sarawak kooooo.. hu hu hu.

To my dearest friends in KL. Lenu, Petra, Sahari, Illa and Salya ( kau sambut ka) selamat hari raya and jemput lah aku datang rumah korang nanti okay. Thanks for being there with me here.

To my sister toto,.... raya tahun ni masak mee kering lagi ke hehe opss ampun tuanku. Andy i jeles u, makan sup gear box. i like gear box sup.