Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I'll be Home for Christmas.

I'll be home for christmas on the 21 December, so far i have bought some new things for me :-
1. A new pair of addidas sneakers ( Futsal shoes tapi i like it so much coz it looks funky so i bought it) never knew that fulsal shoes are funky ahaks.
2. 2 new pair of pants which i bought buy one free one hehe. its white and light grey.

thats it.... as for presents i think i get an indea of what to gives these peps, but lets keep it a secret shhhhhhhhhhhhh.. i hope i would'nt get a feng shui book from my sister again. ahhhhhhhhhhh bosan tul.


oon said...

jingo bel! jingo bel!

merry christmas allan!

ABL said...

thanks sharul hehe. meerry christmas to u too.