Sunday, January 6, 2008


This is on the 27th December 2007. Usually Nonoy/our house would held it around the 25th but Bell and Nonoy went back to Lahad Datu so they decided to postpone the Xmass party to the 28th December. Ok jugak sebab we manage to go to Lahad datu on the 25th.

So i told diding to ask everybody in the family to wear something red just like my house and hey surprising everybody did made an effort to wear something red, including my mom but hers is Pink ( My mums wears alot of Pink this year macam King kat Thai pulak) heheh.

Diding with her new flat screen TV. oh very festive.

Me and the girls.

Drinking is a part of Christmas thats y u never sees me there. ahaks.

The cousins.

My nephews and niece

My mum and Toto's children.

Here is the Family Photo Album.

The Casianus family.. thats my first cousin in Purple.

The Blantocas family ( My cousins Nonoy family)

This is my big happy family, the lajot, blantocas , tiamson family.

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