Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Two house for a house.

Sometimes i wonder, what are we aiming for in life.. a good life.. a big house.. a nice car or even as many children as possible.

Then it get me thinking.. im paying almost a thousand plus for my house for a long period of time and it strikes me.. how much am i paying until i can call the house my own. Then i start calculating and OMG im going to pay almost double what i loan for the house.

Even with the Government load, i still paying double the amount,, ... and it prolong as long as i live. , What if i die early.. then the house will be paid in full and the person benefited will own a fully paid house., but as long as im living , i am liable to pay for my house hehehe.

Have you ever think about it.. how our lives tangled with all these depts. ahhhhhhhh.. how can we stop this feeling. No debts .. means no house, no car .. no nothing.. well not entirely nothing but no higher puchase asets.

How can i add to my income , so that i can be free from all of this........... think allan think.

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